The Five Solas of the Reformation-Grace Alone!
Hello, friends! We are going to start a new little series and adventure today. We are going to discover or review the Five Solas of the...
Lions and tigers and Limited Atonement, oh my!
What's up, People!? This is Blake, your friendly neighborhood blogger, back at it today. Today we are gonna talk about Limited...
Unconditional Election- I choose you!
Hello, freinds! Welcome back to Freeing Grace. This week we are going to continue our series studying the Doctrines of Grace. Today it's...
Total Depravity-We can't even!
This joke is so cheesy, but it cracks me up!! The title and this meme do sort of relate to our topic today, as you will see soon. Total...
How Sovereign is God?
sov·er·eign ˈsäv(ə)rən/ noun a supreme ruler, especially a monarch. synonyms:ruler, monarch, crowned head, head of state, potentate,...